
We are all different but we walk all together
Mobility to Croatia
click here to see the planning
April 2022
The time has finally come to travel and meet our colleagues at their schools!
Two years later than planned, Spanish and Portuguese schools travelled to Croatia to spend time together learning through cooperative activitites.
These are some of the activities we all took part in:
The first activity we did in Croatia was going to Osnovna Skola Glina and meet the teachers and students there. Since it was the first meeting among students, we did several activities to get to know each other.

One of the activities we did in a collaborative way during the previous months was "The Continuous Book" our students loved the activity so much that we decided to bring it to live through a theater play. That was one of the aims in this mobility, organising all the aspects needed to perform the play in the school hall.
So, for three days, our time at Glina Osnovna Skola spinned around creating the characters' personalities, reading and rehearsing the lines, preparing the promps, scenery and "special effects" for the play to be a success. All these aspects wer done in a cooperative way, working in small groups formed by students from Portugal, Spain and Croatia.

and its people
During the first day, and as a way of introducing the Croatian culture and way of living, we also took part on a Croatian language class with some special teachers since they were two of the oldest students at school. We learned how the Croatian language works and we even practised some of the basic sentences we would need during the trip.

In the afternoon we also visited Sisak and Glina, the town where the school is, and we discovered some interesting facts... did you know that the Croatian anthem had been composed in Glina by Josip Runjaninen?

Osnovna Skola Glina also organised some other cooperative activities so that we could all learn how to work and collaborate to achieve a common final goal. One of them was a kahoot based on our knowledge of the other countries and the European Union. We all had a lot of fun and the winners got a delicious prize!

The other activities under the title "Good team mates" were done in the gym since they involved a lot of movement on our students' part. Working in teams is not always easy, and they had to think, plan and cooperate to get to their final goal.

Friday the 8th April was an important day in the calendar since we were perfoming our play live in the school hall. Our students were nervous but ready to act it out and they did a great job. The play was recorded and all the schools got a DVD to be shown to their mates once they got back home. It was a great challenge to be done in a very short period of time, but we all cooperated and the final result was amazing!

Apart from working at school, we also had the oportunity to visit some relevant sites in Croatia, such as the lakes Plitvicka Jezera and Zagreb, the capital city.

Plitvice Lakes