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We are on the news!!

Dissemination among teachers

Implementing an Erasmus+ at school is a life changing process for all the educational community. We wanted to share our vision of how taking part in this kind of programmes can benefit students, teachers and families, so we took part on several courses to encourage teachers to participate in Erasmus+ projects.

Innovación Educativa en Croacia, Portugal y España.
Ponferrada - Diciembre 2019

Internacionaliza a túa escola.
 Santiago de Compostela - Noviembre 2021

Internacionaliza tu centro a través de Erasmus+
Soria - Abril 2021

Jornada regional de Información y Formación Erasmus+ KA229
Ávila - Febrero 2020

Ponferrada - Noviembre 2019

Dissemination during mobilities

Dissemination also took part during the mobilities of teachers and students.

Apart from letting all the school members know what was happening during the mobility weeks, we celebrated welcoming or farewell parties where families and other members of the educational community played an important part. Including them in such gatherings promotes social relationships and spreads the idea of belonging to the same European Community. 

Dissemination after the mobilities

Only a selection of students travel abroad and live the Erasmus+ experience in a foreign country, but we wanted to make all the school aware and participant of our adventures and challenges.

Once we returned from the mobilities, the students organized a talk with their schoolmates to summarize their experience using the Travel Journal they had filled out day by day during the trips.

This project has been funded with support from the European Comission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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