
We are all different but we walk all together
After our short-term training we decided to start working on the ideas we had the opportunity to share.
During January and February 2020 we worked on a project called "What do we have in common?" and each country came up with different products/results that would be shared through a live conference.

And the day to see each other again...
Students and teachers from the 3 schools met on the eTwinning space and we could talk about what we did and how we did it.
Here you can see some pictures of both the products of our projects and the live conference that was held on March 9th.
We worked with the wolf and its frightening vision in storytelling in all the countries
We also researched about vertebrates and made some crafts and a domino with the words in the three languages.

We made a booklet on Endangered Species in Croatia, Portugal and Spain.

As regards endangered species, some students decided to research about the lynx and created a rap with the story of this peculiar animal.
Studens from Cólegio Monteflor worked in groups and studied different historical and cultural aspects all of us have in common: symbols such as the flags, the Roman heritage in roman roads, gastronomy, traditional games... All the information learned was shared at school in a fair students organised and directed. You can see a short summary in the video below.
Students in 5th grade decided to record a video explaining how the European Union works, since we are all European countries.
The oldest students in CRA Cubillos del Sil researched on the recent history of Croacia, Portugal and Spain. They found out that we have a common historical past...we all had a dictatorship that ended with a period of democracy and the entry of all the countries in the European Union.
They created a movie trailer and a detailed explanation of events with the help of a map of each country.