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May 2022

Mobility to Spain

Click here to see the planning

The last mobility of our project was held in Cubillos del Sil, Spain. It was the last meeting after three years working together through difficult times, so it felt like a great achievement and we enjoyed every minute of that week.

After doing some welcoming activities and visiting the school where we were going to work together for a week, we introduced the activities to be done during the stay, all of them based on executive functions which is the methodological line of CRA Cubillos del Sil.

On Monday and Tuesday, the Portuguese, Croatian and Spanish students worked in a collaborative way to perform some tasks based on attention, memory and inhibitory control and flexible thinking. 

Attention and memory

Inhibitory control
through music and movement

Flexible thinking

On Wednesday and Thursday, after completing the tasks based on executive functions the previous days, the students, divided in groups, had to think of, plan and organise a game similar to the ones they had played on previous days. The group aim was to create a gymkhana for all the school to attend and enjoy that same Friday.

For two days they imagined, created and tested their games, working as a group despite of having different nationalities and languages...the process was excellent and the final result was unbeatable: 


Visiting students and teachers also had the oportunity to learn about Spanish cultural and historical heritage. They visited Ponferrada and Las Médulas together with a selection of students from CRA Cubillos del Sil. These two landmarks were chosen due to their historical importance in El Bierzo region.

Las Médulas



Apart from learning about some episodes of Spanish History, the visiting schools had the opportunity to take part on several workshops related to cultural legacy of the hosting school, CRA Cubillos del Sil. They dealt with traditional games, pottery, traditional dance & music and a traditional sport: Lucha leonesa.

Lucha leonesa

Traditional dance & music



As being part of the history of El Bierzo, the Knight of the Templar Order were invited to the farewell dinner to officially close three years of hard and profitable work within our Erasmus+ project We are all different but we walk all together

This project has been funded with support from the European Comission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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