
We are all different but we walk all together
Getting to know our new mates
It is time to start meeting each other and all the students in Cubillos have been researching about Croatia and Portugal...they learned a lot about the cultural heritage, legends, important people, celebrations...and they even tried some of the most typical desserts! They shared the results so that everybody could learn from their mate's work.
Here you can see some pictures of their research projects.

At Primary School Glina, students and teachers prepared many interesting activities. Students learned about the partner countries, their culture, customs and traditions and also watched several movies about Spain and Portugal and regions where the partner schools come from.
Students using different cooperative learning methods and technology researched in smaller groups about customs, nature, monuments, music, dances and food. They had a short language course where students learned several words and expresions in Spanish and Portugese language. They also sang famous children song "Are you sleeping?" in all partner languages.
To dessiminate the project and these specific project activities, they invited to school other students, parents and members of local community to show them what students learned during the project day. Also, with the help from the school cooks, the students prepared traditional dishes from the partner countries.

At Colégio Monte Flor, almost all the activities come from a starting question to launch each project.
This time, it wasn't different! They gathered all the students from Primary Education in the Learning Lab and discussed what could they do to celebrate Erasmus+ Project "We are Different but we walk together". Students suggested an exhibition at the entrance of our school with things that connect the three countries.
So...each class got a topic and during one month, they did different products to celebrate our partnership.
Here is the final product: